On the 19th September 2021 I will be doing a tandem sky dive just north of the coastal resort of Bridlington, East Yorkshire.
This would have been my beloved husband Mick's 64th birthday.
I would like to thank everyone who kindly donated for this event.
I'm so happy to announce that I achieved to do my sky dive today. It was so amazing.
Thank you all again.
Love Dot xx
New Date
3rd November 2021
Just wanted to update all of you lovely people who have donated to this special event.
My sky dive is now set for Sunday morning on the 3rd April 2022. Fingers crossed 3rd time lucky.
I thought if I went for April the weather should be much better.
Thanks again to you all. XXX
Sky Dive
31st October 2021
I am so sorry to let everyone know that due to the weather conditions my event was yet again cancelled.
This is now looking more likely to take place next year.
Thank you for donating and people can still make donations.
Ii will keep on trying untill I achieve in completing my sky dive.just like it took years to do my balloon flight.
Thank you for reading my update.
22nd September 2021
The date is now set for the morning of 31st October.
Fingers crossed it will happen this time XX